Leading Cosmetics Creator Saved $20,919 in 30 Days
Anonymized Cosmetics Client story with Legendary.cx offer and GPT-3.5 implementation

Beauty, E-commerce
Freshchat, Client's website
Customer service team size
27 total reps and 5 chat specialists
What is Legendary.cx?
This is an offer when we automate 30% of your customer service requests in 30 days for free.
Technology is always an investment. Our big goal is to make Fortune-500 AI quality affordable for any COO. After 6 years of developing Conversational AI for Fortune 500 companies, we created Legendary.cx.
Key steps:
- No risk + No-cost set up, free 30-day trial including CRM integration
- Automate 30% of your Customer Service requests in 30 days
- If the trial results work for you, then our next step is to automate up to 90% automation within 12 months. Only pay $1 per each resolved ticket via a chatbot
Key benefits:
- No upfront payments. No tech support is needed from you
- Full technical, implementation, and advisory support included
- Proven track record of >10x ROI within 12 months
- Dashboarding that delivers data-driven impact reports
Pay for results, not promises
The Anonymous Client
Our client is the world leader in hair, skin, and body care products creation. The BotsCrew team reached out to them with the Legendary.cx offer and they agreed to test the solution. We knew that the solution would benefit them, as in the last five years, the brand has seen phenomenal growth which led to:
1.10M website monthly visitors
Customer service response waiting time:
- 20 seconds first response;
- 2 minutes for follow up responses;
10m 33s average resolution time
~282% growth of inquiries per year
Legendary.cx in action
Firstly, we started with a Discovery phase. This is the data-driven approach to chatbot development when we collect information on current customer service processes and finalize the chatbot vision, business goals, and implementation approach.
Discovery phase deliverables:
- Chatbot persona
- Data analysis and defined intents
- NLP model
- Conversational flows
- Freshchat integration
For the trial period, we’ve defined 29 questions that the chatbot could answer (and/or assist live agents in answering them). These include the most repetitive and time-consuming questions, both pre-purchase and post-purchase.
We launched a chatbot only on the Contact us page for the trial period.

Freshchat integration
Feedback from the customer service team
“There seem to be fewer sub cancel/adjust chats, which means customers are learning how to adjust subs on their end! (…) We are able to have more efficient chats because the chatbot is asking for the email address before sending it to us, also resulting in quicker resolution times. (…) I do love that it asks for their email and a short summary of their issue now, since it makes it easier to address the issues without as much back and forth. (…) Simple questions are answered before they get to us, which also helps resolve chats quicker. (…) The After-Hours Chatbot seems to be doing its job and allows us to connect with more customers.(…) The Chatbot allows for chat to run smoothly with 4 agents at 100% capacity on all pages (accounts, faq, checkout, quiz).”
What’s now?
The client agreed to proceed with further automation, up to 90% of customer support requests. Currently, the BotsCrew team is working on improving the chatbot’s understanding of conversations that could speed up the whole process of chatbot training.
To do so, we integrated the chatbot with GPT-3.5 technology. During the first test results, we received a better chatbot quality of understanding questions – from 50% to 80%.