White-Label AI Software for Agencies: GPT, Pricing, and Opportunities

Building a chatbot demands considerable resources and know-how. Instead of starting from scratch, businesses often choose white-label AI software for agencies. These can be quickly customized and branded, ensuring faster market entry and significant cost savings.

Maria Prokhorenko
Maria Prokhorenko
Jul. 5, 2024. Updated Aug. 29, 2024

The global chatbot marketing revenue is projected to surpass $454.8 million by 2027, according to Statista. This means every online business will be embracing chatbots. 

Now, imagine having your very own custom-branded, white-label AI software, always ready to serve your customers. The best part? No sleepless nights spent learning to code or fixing bugs, and no hefty expenses on developing a custom solution from scratch!

Sounds like a dream? With a white-label chatbot, it's as real as the device in your hand. We've compiled a treasure map to understand and unlock this powerful tool. In this blog post, we will walk you through the key features of white-label customization options and explain how you can choose the best white-label for SaaS that truly represents your brand.

What is White-Label AI Software for Agencies, Exactly?

First things first: why do companies all over the world need chatbots? Customers love them. Around 70% of people prefer chatting with a bot over navigating a website, and they like that these chatbots are on call 24/7.

So, what exactly is this white-label chatbot? Picture it as your business’s superhero cape. It is about purchasing a ready-made, AI-powered chatbot, slapping your brand, and presenting it to your customers as your product. This way, you sidestep all the hard work of building a bot from the ground up.

White-label ChatGPT and other software solutions let you dive into the chatbot market effortlessly. It saves you from the hefty time and financial investments usually needed for product development. With digital products, initial costs are minimal (or even non-existent) since they’re bought and sold online. All you need to do is start reaching out and making sales.

Why Should Startups, Scale-Ups, And Agencies Go for White-Label Chatbots: 6 Ultimate Benefits for Businesses

White-label for SaaS brings a host of benefits to businesses, including the ability to manage workloads, boost customer satisfaction, and unlock new revenue streams. Their affordability and ease of customization make them an enticing option for companies eager to integrate advanced chatbot services into their operations.

#1. New Revenue Stream

By incorporating a white-label ChatGPT solution into your service offerings, you can unlock new revenue opportunities for your business. As companies increasingly recognize the value of chatbots, demand for these solutions will continue to soar. 

By positioning yourself as a provider of tailored, branded chatbots, you can capture a significant share of this burgeoning market, boosting your competitive edge and expanding your client base.

And the best part? You can set your own prices and have the full flexibility to tailor the chatbot's price to match the unique needs and preferences of your target customers.

#2. Fast Go-to-Market & Quick ROI

White-label chatbots can be up and running in 3–to 5 days, bypassing lengthy development cycles and delivering a faster return on investment.

#3. No Need for Сoding skills

With white-label chatbot platforms, you can easily deploy advanced conversational AI without writing a single line of code. An intuitive interface allows you to customize and manage your chatbot effortlessly, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of technical expertise. This means you can focus on what you do best — engaging with your customers and growing your business — while the provider handles the techy stuff. 

#4. Broader Offerings

With a white-label chatbot, you can deliver extra value and showcase cutting-edge tech in your services. This not only keeps you ahead of the pack but also helps you stand out from the competition.

#5. Scalability and Adaptability

One of the standout advantages of utilizing a white-label chatbot for sales is its scalability. As your business expands, it's crucial to have a solution that can effortlessly scale to meet growing demands. White-label chatbot platforms are designed with this flexibility in mind, ensuring your chatbot maintains peak performance no matter how large your audience becomes.

#6. Ongoing Support and Updates

As a partner or agency collaborating with a white-label chatbot provider, you can rely on their continuous support and regular updates to keep your chatbots at the forefront of innovation and efficiency. This partnership ensures that your white-label solutions stay up-to-date with the latest features and enhancements, maintaining their effectiveness and providing an exceptional user experience.

Start Your White-Label Journey Today!

Empower your business with our customizable chatbot solutions. Sign up now and see how our white-label program can boost your revenue.

Industry-Specific Applications of White-Label Chatbots

White-label chatbots are a versatile solution for businesses across various industries. Let's explore some specific sectors where these solutions can be particularly beneficial:

Digital agencies can use, for instance, a white-label chatbot for lead generation, ensuring no potential client slips through the cracks. Explore our case study showcasing how our reseller, a comprehensive marketing agency, tripled its profitability through white-labeling, achieving a monthly recurring revenue (MRR) of $3,000. 

Additionally, we can create bespoke white-label chatbots tailored to meet the agency's client's specific business goals. Need something extra? We can also develop custom features to ensure your client's chatbot meets all the unique requirements.

Companies in healthcare can simplify appointment scheduling and manage prescription refills effortlessly, provide initial assessments, and direct patients to appropriate healthcare professionals. With white-label chatbots, they can also offer tailored wellness tips and health information, enhancing patient engagement and satisfaction.

For example, our collaboration with a leading provider in cell-free DNA (cfDNA) testing illustrates this need. They approached us to enhance patient outreach by delivering high-quality genetic information efficiently at scale. 

We developed a healthcare chatbot specifically for this purpose. The chatbot educates patients on genetic testing, provides quick and reliable information, and offers detailed explanations of test results. Patients can also schedule meetings with genetic counselors through the chatbot. Currently, the bot has facilitated over 1,000 interactions, boasting a success rate of over 65%, indicating strong patient engagement throughout the entire chatbot experience.

In banking and finance, these solutions are popular due to their ability for instant support. White-label chatbots can assist customers with transactions, account management, and financial planning 24/7. Furthermore, by utilizing this opportunity, companies are able to alert customers to suspicious activity and guide them through securing their accounts.

Businesses in eCommerce address product inquiries, order tracking, and return processing around the clock with robust white-label chatbot solutions. They can also suggest products based on browsing history and customer preferences, boosting sales. And let's also consider the ultimate assistance to customers through the purchase process which reduces cart abandonment rates. To further enhance their digital strategy, eCommerce can consider exploring how Amazon marketing services can help drive even more traffic and conversions for their clients. Leveraging these services can provide a powerful boost to their existing efforts, ensuring their brand reaches a wider audience and maximizes its online presence.

Our team crafted an innovative AI Budtender for an eCommerce client, pushing boundaries by personalizing product recommendations based on individual user preferences. With a snap of your fingers, users specify desired effects, tastes, and more, receiving tailored product suggestions in seconds through just three questions.

Since March 2022, we've successfully launched over 100 white-label chatbots for various dispensaries, continually enhancing customization options. Thanks to BotsCrew's white-label chatbot solutions, our client has skyrocketed from zero revenue in March 2022 to exceeding $10,000 in monthly recurring revenue today.

Another industry that benefits from white-label chatbots is HoReCa, the Hotel, Restaurant, and Café/Catering industry as well as travel agencies. Companies can offer personalized recommendations for local attractions, dining options, and in-house services with these AI-powered solutions. Additionally, this software can simplify booking processes for rooms and dining reservations and streamline check-in and check-out procedures, enhancing overall guest satisfaction, among others.

Emirates Airlines has revolutionized its travel recommendation platform with a cutting-edge chatbot. The chatbot asks users about the type of trip they are planning and captures their intent along with the webpage they are on. It then customizes the vacation planning process, offering tailored travel packages and relevant information about the destination. 

During a 30-day test, this innovative approach yielded remarkable results — an 87% increase in engagement from users who interacted with the chatbot ad compared to those who saw a traditional display ad.

What Do You Get With White-Label Chatbot Solution?

Besides the chatbot itself, what exactly do you get when you become a reseller of a white-label solution?

Platform Licensing: Full access to a robust platform tailored to your needs.

GPT: Advanced language capabilities to enhance your chatbot's understanding and responsiveness, ensuring more human-like and accurate interactions.

Bot Management: Comprehensive tools for monitoring and managing your chatbot's performance.

Integrations: Integration capabilities with a wide range of third-party services and platforms.

Experts Access: Direct access to our dedicated experts for consultation and advanced technical/sales support.

Exclusive Training: Specialized training sessions to help you make the most of the platform.


- Logo: Customize your chatbot with your brand's logo.
- Theme Color: Match the chatbot's appearance with your brand's color scheme.
- Domain: Use your own newly registered or aged domain for a fully branded experience.

Unveiling the Layers of White-Label AI Software Pricing: Key Factors and Business Considerations

When exploring white-label chatbot platforms, understanding the costs and pricing structures is crucial. Here, we'll delve into the factors influencing the overall expenses of these solutions.

White-Label or No Brand. When selecting a white-label GPT platform, you typically have two options that significantly impact the cost. One is a fully customizable white-label platform, while the other is a no-brand platform devoid of any BotsCrew's or client's branding. While both offer identical features and capabilities, the no-brand option (cheaper one) lacks the distinctive touch of your brand.

Number of Chatbots. Some white-label platforms establish a baseline price for a single chatbot, with extra fees for each additional chatbot added to your or your client's company. If you choose us for your white-label journey, both our white-label and no-brand plans come with one chatbot included by default. Need more? Additional chatbots can be added for an extra fee.

Custom Requests or Integrations/Additional Development. Advanced features like AI training, integrations with third-party services, or creating an advanced chatbot for data analytics can significantly impact pricing, especially when custom development is required. 

At BotsCrew, we currently offer default integration with Zapier, but we frequently receive requests for specific integrations, such as with CRM systems or inventory management platforms. And we handle those unique, out-of-the-box requests through our custom development services.

For instance, a recent client requested that we limit access to bots from certain non-targeted countries. We've also had requests for services that enable the automatic creation of bots, particularly for lead-generation purposes. A particularly unique request came from a tattoo studio, which asked us to integrate an image processing function to estimate tattoo costs for its clients using the capabilities of the updated GPT-4o for business.

The complexity of these features can vary widely. Simple tasks like restricting chatbot access by country typically take up to 2 days. However, more complex integrations, such as developing a backend to receive order information from an online store, or creating automated bot templates with variable prompts and flows, can take 50 hours or more. 

Overall, the cost of these advanced features is assessed based on the scope and complexity of the development required, ensuring tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients.

In a nutshell, the cost of white-label GPT chatbot platforms can vary widely based on your organization’s specific needs. Thoroughly evaluate each platform to ensure it aligns with both your budget and desired features.

After integrating white-label chatbot services, companies can cultivate fresh revenue streams, offering conversational analytics, optimizing chatbot performance, continuous natural language processing (NLP), and providing training on conversational marketing strategies. Don't take our word for it: take a look at our White-Label Partner, Pluggi.

How to Invest in Automation: Key Considerations When Choosing a White-Label AI Chatbot Platform

If you are on the hunt for the perfect white-label chatbot platform, here is a comprehensive list of criteria to keep in mind:

 Customization Options. The chatbot for sales should align with your brand's identity. Therefore, ensure it can reflect your brand's unique language and style. A Disney chatbot should feel distinctly different from a Sveriges Riksbank chatbot.

✅  Security Level. When it comes to white-label chatbots, security is paramount. The platform should use strong encryption methods. Furthermore, pay attention to its compliance with data privacy regulations to protect client information.

✅  Relevant and Accurate Responses. Accuracy and relevance in responses are crucial. The chatbot should accurately comprehend and respond to complex queries. Also, ensure the chatbot doesn't hallucinate, or generate incorrect/fabricated information. This can be achieved through training ChatGPT on your own data or your client's data like website, documents, knowledge base, and more.

✅  Regular Updates & Maintenance. The white-label chatbot should improve its responses based on user feedback and stay updated with new information and adjust responses accordingly.

✅  Analytics. Chatbot analytics should highlight important metrics and identify areas for improvement, such as knowledge gaps. It is essential for ongoing improvement.

By carefully evaluating these aspects, you can select a white-label AI chatbot platform that not only meets your immediate needs but also scales with your business, ensuring robust performance and customer satisfaction. For more criteria to consider, check out our guide 5 White-Label Chatbot Platforms for Agencies.

Meet BotsCrew: Why Choose Us As Your Future White-Label Partner

Ever wished for a reliable ally in your business journey? Meet BotsCrew, your future white-label partner, poised to become an indispensable part of your growth story. Our company specializes in creating AI chatbots that are smart, efficient, and can integrate into your business smoothly. Our platform relies on OpenAI's GPT, the most robust LLM, to offer an impactful conversational experience.

You don't need to be a coding magician to get it all done. Leverage the knowledge of teams building Conversational AI for Samsung NEXT, Honda, FIBA, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Adidas, and others for nearly 8 years now. Transform the platform on demand to cater to your unique chatbot use case and requirements with a dedicated team and prioritized support at all stages — pre-sale, setup, and post-sale.

Experience an exclusive, risk-free white-label launch with GPT-powered prototypes to secure your first "Yes" before you commit. Pay later. Join the savvy 5 out of 7 existing resellers who pre-sold the solution using our prototypes before formalizing their white-label partnership with us!



Start your 14-day trial


Create the first prototype with or without our help


Pitch it to potential clients


 Land the first 'yes'


Establish a formal white-label partnership


Create a buzz about your new venture to bring in new clients

Supercharge your business with BotsCrew chatbots under your brand. Seamlessly join the tech revolution without the hassle or expense. Ready to leap into the future with BotsCrew as your white-label GPT partner?

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Join our white-label reseller program and start offering top-tier chatbot solutions under your brand. Click here to learn more.