A Chatbot for Sales: 6 Ways AI Assistants Boost Conversion

AI chatbots are game-changers when it comes to boosting conversion rates. Dive into how marketers, sales managers, and digital agencies are embracing this tech marvel, and explore the impressive outcomes they're seeing in visitor engagement and sales thanks to conversational AI.

Maria Prokhorenko
Maria Prokhorenko
Apr. 11, 2024. Updated May. 31, 2024

61% of marketers find lead generation to be quite the challenge. Not only that but half or more of the marketing budget is dedicated solely to this task.

Imagine all your inbound and outbound marketing strategies are designed to funnel traffic straight to your website. But here's the hitch — once visitors land on your site, they're left to manually sift through your content.

And here's where things get tricky: while all this is happening, marketers struggle to pinpoint who these visitors are and what they are after. As if that is not enough, the sales team is unable to promptly address prospects' questions or schedule meetings on the fly. As a result, a staggering 97% of first-time website visitors opt not to make a purchase and nearly 69% of customers abandon their carts after adding items to them.

Enter a chatbot for lead generation, a modern solution for businesses to tackle these issues head-on. They serve as valuable allies in enhancing client engagement, fostering trust, and ultimately driving up conversion rates. Supporting this claim is the fact that 55% of companies leveraging chatbots generate more high-quality leads. 

According to another resource, chatbots increase the overall conversion rate of websites by 10–100%. Business owners have also reported a 67% increase in sales thanks to chatbots. Furthermore, 26% of all sales transactions initiate from a bot interaction. 

Armed with our insights and opinion from a couple of email marketing experts, you'll be well-equipped to harness the power of a chatbot for sales effectively, optimizing conversion rates within your business.

Challenges Faced by Companies in Converting Visitors to Real Customers

Traditional lead management strategies rely heavily on human interactions like phone calls, emails, and face-to-face meetings. They shine in providing a personal touch, fostering trust, and building rapport through human empathy. However, these methods also come with their limitations and cause various issues in most industries — for instance:

☹️ Low Quality Incoming Leads

Dealing with low-quality incoming leads can be a drain on salespeople's time, as they often find themselves sifting through irrelevant website visitors. 61% of B2B marketers send all leads directly to sales; nevertheless, merely 27% of those leads end up being qualified. A chatbot, on the other hand, can efficiently handle inquiries, allowing sales experts to concentrate on engaging with high-quality leads.

☹️ Uncertain User Intent

When people land on business websites, their intentions vary wildly. Some are just browsing, while others are itching to buy. Figuring out what each visitor wants is tough, which is why businesses need AI chatbots to read their minds.

☹️ Inability to Provide A Real-time Assistance

Not having someone there when a customer needs help is a major pain. If website visitors hit a snag or have burning questions left unanswered, the lack of immediate support can dampen their mood and drive them away from making a purchase. 

In fact, 80% of consumers expect lightning-fast responses from companies, and a whopping 78% tend to buy from the ones that reply first. Luckily, with advanced AI chatbots, getting an answer is just a matter of seconds.

☹️ High Bounce Rate & Low Website Engagement

If users find what they're looking for — like the company's schedule, contact details, product catalog, or answers to their questions — they are likely to stick around on the website. 

On the flip side, users who don't find answers to their questions will likely leave your site and head to a competitor's. Meanwhile, adding a chatbot to your site enables users to ask any questions and get instant answers, encouraging them to stay on the page and take the desired action.

☹️ Multilingual Barriers

We're not stating the obvious, but language can get in the way when you sell products or services. Thankfully, chatbots are here to save the day with their multilingual prowess. They break down language barriers, making it easy to chat with folks from all over the globe.

Chatbots Have Got Smarter — And Nicer, Too: How Can They Boost Conversion Today?

Thanks to advancements in AI, chatbots are now friendlier, smarter, and more helpful than ever. They excel in engaging conversations, whether through text or voice. Enhanced natural language processing ensures they understand and respond to language more effectively. But how exactly do chatbots increase sales?

Glassix Study shows that AI chatbots enhance conversion by 23%, resolve various issues 18% faster, and also boast a successful resolution rate of 71%. For instance, Sephora's Facebook bots have significantly boosted the company's conversion rates by 11%, surpassing the performance of any other channel. 

Through its chatbots, Sephora's customers can access a virtual shade selection, schedule appointments with in-store makeup artists, and engage with KikBot, a robotic assistant providing beauty and makeup advice.

Quicker and more effective lead qualification

Your website might be getting lots of visits from potential customers, which is good for boosting traffic. However, getting loads of visitors doesn't mean they are all turning into sales. That's where chatbots come in clutch. They chat it up with your prospects, asking the right questions to figure out if they're ready to buy, and snagging some data along the way. And if things get serious, they'll pass the conversation over to the right person on your team. 

Lead generation

Customers usually do their homework before hitting the "purchase" button, checking out all sorts of info about the products they're interested in. And that's where lead generation kicks in. Chatbots are great at keeping the conversation going, building relationships, and nudging customers toward the conversion point.

Take KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, for example. They've been using a sales chatbot to handle passenger questions. In just a year, KLM boosted its lead base by 40% and slashed response times by 50 times.

In addition, AI chatbots reduce lead generation costs. From driving traffic to your funnel to sealing the deal, it can drain your wallet big time. 

But fear not, chatbots are here to streamline the whole shebang, tackling the repetitive customer support employees so your human agents can focus on the heavy lifting. This means less spending and more efficiency. Gartner predicts conversational AI will cut contact center agent labor costs by $80 billion in 2026.

🤖 Ready to take your lead generation strategy to the next level? Dive into the world of AI chatbots and prepare to witness your business soar. Create your AI Assistant in 3 minutes and catapult your sales to unprecedented heights! 

Immediate response

We live in a world where the average human attention span is 8 seconds and if you don't capture their interest within that time, all your marketing efforts can be declared dead. 

At the same time, very few phone calls are picked up instantly and written communications usually take even longer to be answered. Chatbots kickstart engagement the moment a visitor lands on the website. A friendly greeting coupled with a prompt inquiry about the user’s needs sets the stage for a personalized experience and encourages them to explore further. 

H&M implemented an AI chatbot for sales on its website to provide customer support. The solution reduced customer wait times by 20 seconds and led to a 15% increase in online sales.

Amazon's customer service chatbot resolved up to 80% of routine queries and significantly reduced response time, as reported by IBM.

Better User Understanding & Personalized Offers

90% of top-notch marketers are all about that personal touch. But with email lists catering to groups and websites feeling kinda one-size-fits-all, conversational chatbots are where it's at! They're your personalization superheroes, delivering a one-on-one experience that bridges the gap like nobody's business. 

AI chatbots are a great tool when it comes to using customer data and preferences to dish out personalized recommendations for products or services. But wait, there's more! These savvy solutions can also whip up tailored follow-up messages and personalized offers based on visitors' past interactions.

With one of the solutions we developed for our client, website visitors can easily request product recommendations with just a few clicks. By answering three simple questions in the built-in chatbot, which takes less than a minute, users receive results perfectly tailored to their requests, preferences, and needs, ensuring a seamless and personalized experience. 

Another AI chatbot for sales we've developed, a Messenger Cali-bot, tailor-made for Virgin Holidays, engaged users in conversation, gathering essential details before suggesting the perfect activity or destination. Once the match was made, users could purchase unique codes for each experience, making their holiday dreams a reality.

Faster Journey From A Visitor to Lead

Properly designed with engaging mechanics, and a logical and short customer journey, AI chatbots significantly speed up the lead generation process. This way, you expedite the process of converting website visitors into leads within minutes, rather than waiting weeks or months. This rapid turnaround significantly reduces the risk of losing potential clients to competitors or encountering a change of heart regarding a purchase.

For instance, when it comes to the purchase of a new bike, consumers typically engage in an extensive research process spanning several months, involving an estimated 900 or more digital interactions. Recognizing this trend, Bajaj Auto devised a strategic initiative to leverage a conversational AI for sales for enhancing sales.

The objective was to provide users with an informative and intuitive experience, aiding them in their decision-making process. Through the chatbot interface, visitors were empowered to book test drives, explore product specifications, request callbacks, and obtain information regarding pricing and dealership locations.

Remarkably, within the initial two months of implementation, the chatbot interacted with over 34,000 unique users, facilitating more than 300 hours of conversational engagement. 

As a result, Bajaj Auto witnessed a remarkable 14.3-fold increase in lead conversions. Furthermore, the integration of the chatbot yielded a noteworthy enhancement in keyword performance, surpassing industry competitors by an impressive 80%. 

Fast Implementation & Flexibility

Back in the day, getting the best AI for sales up to speed took a vast amount of time, sometimes stretching out for weeks or even months. Now, thanks to pre-trained models, you can get up and running in mere minutes. It's as easy as pie: you can pick a ready-made solution, tweak it to fit your business, and add a chatbot to your website quickly to rock on your sales.

For instance, you can customize and insert on your website no-code AI chatbot builder in under 5 minutes and start automatically qualifying visitors based on your pre-set business criteria, then convert them into meetings.

Ride the GPT wave and amp up your earnings with high-demand technology! The buzz surrounding GPT technology is legit and on the rise. Join our chatbot reseller program and tap into this trend by offering AI chatbot solutions, positioning your business as a trailblazer in innovation, and opening up a fresh revenue stream.

Since March 2022, we've rolled out over 100 white-label chatbots for various dispensaries, continuously enhancing customization options. Thanks to BotsCrew's solutions, our client has seen remarkable growth, going from $0 revenue in March 2022 to over $10,000 in monthly recurring revenue today. Great dispensaries see an average ROI of 12.6x using AI chatbot.

  • As a reseller, you'll get your Dedicated Account Manager. Need tech support? Have questions or concerns? Looking for pre-sale assistance? Your dedicated Account Manager is here to lend a hand.
  • Customize your platform to fit your needs perfectly. Our cross-functional development team handles everything from start to finish, ensuring that your platform and chatbots meet both your needs and your clients'.

Accenture survey shows that 57% of executives say chatbots can increase ROI with minimal investment. Interested in using technology smartly to maximize your returns? Try today and unleash the power of a personalized customer support chatbot, driven by GPT-4. With our platform, you have the power to skyrocket conversion rates, boost customer satisfaction, streamline efficiency, and slash support costs. 

Want to bring more website visitors into your sales game? Capture leads even after hours!

Don't miss the chance to elevate your customer service, propelling your business to new heights of conversion excellence. Try our live demo or get started for free with no credit card required.


What is a chatbot for sales?

A chatbot for sales is a software application that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to engage with customers in real-time conversations. It's designed to assist in the sales process by providing information, answering queries, and guiding users towards making a purchase.

How do chatbots increase sales?

Chatbots can boost conversion rates including sales by offering personalized recommendations, assisting customers in finding products/services, addressing queries promptly, providing instant support, offering discounts or incentives, guiding users through the sales funnel, and facilitating seamless transactions.

Can chatbots double conversion rates?

Yes, chatbots have shown the potential to double conversion rates by streamlining the sales process, offering personalized assistance, reducing friction points in the customer journey, and providing immediate responses to customer inquiries.

Are chatbots suitable for all businesses?

Chatbots can be beneficial for a wide range of businesses, particularly those with e-commerce platforms, online sales channels, or customer service needs. However, the effectiveness of chatbots may vary depending on the industry, target audience, and specific use case.

Which businesses can benefit from using a chatbot?

Whether you're running an online store, providing online services, managing a bank or financial organization, or offering various services and consulting, a chatbot can be a great addition to your toolkit. With the help of a chatbot, a business can solve the following challenges: - collect more leads with data; - increase sales and reduce costs; - automate processes; - make communication with the company more convenient for customers and increase their loyalty.

What teams can use a conversational AI for sales and benefit from it?

A conversational AI for sales can be a valuable asset for various teams within a company: - Support Managers: to use automated responses and advice to handle common inquiries efficiently. - Marketers: to promote special offers, qualify leads, and gather targeted data. - Sales Managers: to assist in product/service selection, promote purchases, and offer personalized recommendations. - Product Managers: to inform users about new features, conduct onboarding, gather feedback for product improvement, and more.